Summer Staff FAQs
Thinking about serving at camp this summer? you’ve come to the right place!
Why Should I Serve at Dunes?
Serving at camp will change your life! Dunes Bible Camp is a place to be in community with other believers who are pursuing a common goal together: spreading the love and hope of Jesus to a lost and broken world, for the glory of God!
Dunes is a place to belong, to be seen, known, and loved, and to live out your purpose in Jesus. Dunes is a place to make unforgettable memories and friendships! Dunes is a place to lay down your life for others as a servant and find it deeply rewarding.
After a summer at camp, you will have grown in important skills that will prepare you for whatever God may be calling you to next: problem-solving, flexibility, grace, courage, boldness, resourcefulness, the ability to connect with others and have fun!
What is the summer commitment for summer 2025?
A full summer counselor or volunteer would be at camp from July 5th-August 31st, however, many of our counselors and volunteers choose to come for just one, or a few weeks of camp.
MS Camp #1 - July 5th-9th
Kids Camp - July 10th-14th
HS Camp #1 - July 15th-20th
MS Camp #2 - July 21st-25th
HS Camp #2 - July 26th-31st
What kind of staff is Dunes looking for?
We are looking for staff who are actively growing in their faith and display…
A love for kids and youth and a desire for them to know Jesus
An understanding that camp is for the campers
An understanding of and ability to share the gospel
A desire to obey Jesus’s commandments (evidenced in their lives)
Humility and a willingness to serve
Energy and enthusiasm for the camp program and the outdoors
When should I apply?
We accept applications through June 10th, but many positions fill up earlier than that.
What does Staff Training look like?
Most of the training will be completed online, prior to coming to camp. The morning of the first day of camp, all staff for that week will assemble for a training and team-building meeting as we get ready to welcome new campers! It is recommended that staff arrive the night before camp starts, if distance would make it difficult to be on time for morning training.
How old do I have to be?
Kids Camp CIT age minimum: 14 years
Middle School CIT age minimum: 17 years
High School Counselor age minimum: 19 years & 1 year out of High School
For additional information or questions about serving on staff, please email
What should I bring?