
Counselors & SUpport STaff

Serve alongside us as we share and show the love of God to youth from around the North West! We have several volunteer positions available and are looking for enthusiastic, flexible, Jesus-loving people who can help us create a fun and memorable experience for our campers.

Available positions:

- Counselors & C.I.Ts
- Dish Crew
- Media (photography, videography, sound)
- Head Counselors & Support Staff Leads
- Lifeguards
- Kitchen Staff
- Nurse
- And more! 

If you are interested in serving at Dunes in any capacity, please fill out a staff application below!

Apply for 2025 Summer staff

Fill this one out if you haven’t served at Dunes in the past 3 years.

Fill this one out if you have served at Dunes in the past 3 years

Fill this one out if the kids/youth ministry at your church is partnering with us and bringing its students and staff to one of our camps.

Next steps

Fill this out if you are 18 or older and are applying to serve on staff at Dunes this summer in any capacity.

Have a pastor or ministry leader fill this out who has known you for at least 1 year (new staff).


We ask that all volunteers and staff read over our Statement of Faith and adhere to our Lifestyle Agreement. Please click the buttons below to read them over.


Questions? Please email